Articles on: Terms and glossary

Add label to a term

What is a label in Termsoup?

When adding a term to glossary, you can also add label(s) to categorize the term and indicate which category it belongs to. For example, you could add a label called 'chemistry' to the following bilingual term:

English: deoxyribonucleic acid
Traditional Chinese: 去氧核糖核酸

Labels can help you organize your glossary and quickly find specific terms based on their categories.


Why add labels to a term in Termsoup?

Labels can help you better organize and manage your glossary by categorizing terms based on their subjects, topics, or other attributes. By adding label(s) to a term, you can:

- Filter out terms with certain labels to stay focused on specific topics or areas of interest
- Use advanced machine translation


How to add a label to a term in Termsoup

- Click on the term (the words in blue) that you want to add to your glossary on the query panel.
- A card will appear on the bottom left to show that the term has been added. Click on the card before it disappears.

- Input label(s) in tag field.
- Click on "Update."


Further reading

How to add terms to your glossary
How to configure the settings to show only specific terms

Updated on: 02/14/2023

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